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Defending and restoring our foundations: Restoring the foundation on which America was built; a foundation based on Judeo-Christian history, individual liberties, personal responsibility, and an honorable work ethic.

Standing up to false liberal narratives: Standing up against the false narratives of the liberal democrats and their mainstream media mouthpiece that republicans are racist bigots who don’t care.


NO TO SOCIALISM: Socialism and the redistribution of wealth doctrine is an evil that stands against our American work ethics, the ethics that built the greatest nation on the planet. Every American should oppose this dangerous cancer that has destroyed everything it has ever touched.

Stand with our armed forces, law enforcement & all our men and women in uniform: Our men and women in uniform do the toughest job in the world, and have for generations guaranteed the safety and freedoms of America and the entire world. These heroes deserve our greatest support, not demonization as has been the case from the left.

Fighting for the unborn and defending against unnatural gender confusion and chemical castrations: Defending the life of the unborn and taking away the power from the Federal government to fund abortions with tax-payer money. I also oppose the recent phenomenon of the left trying to castrate and sexually redesign our children and force them into a new population control experiment because they know full well that these children forced into sex reassignment surgeries will never have children of their own because of the surgery.

Safeguarding our 2A rights: America is the freest and the most powerful nation on the planet because our people are constitutionally guaranteed the right to defend and protect themselves against both the government and individuals who want to harm them. This second amendment guarantee cannot be taken for granted. The day Americans lose the right to keep and bear arms is the day we lose all our freedoms and liberties. We just cannot afford to do that. And we cannot have red flag laws and any such laws that dilute this right.

Standing with ally Israel: Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East, and we can never stop supporting and standing with them.

Border security and illegal immigration: The true test of how whether a nation is sovereign is whether they control who can or cannot come into the country. As Americans, we cannot let the cartels determine whether we are truly a sovereign nation or not. This means that we must shut down our borders till such a time that all the illegal immigrants are deported, and illegal immigration is stopped. We must also audit all the different visa programs that we have, which are all being abused and misused by the cartels, and even some big corporation. Additionally, we must provide our border patrol agents and our ICE officers with the resources, technology and the ability to safely do their jobs. The border wall must be completely built, hitech security equipment installed along our borders, and the border agents must be given the authority to apprehend and deport right from the points of entry. Congress must also take back its job, instead of delegating to the attorney general and the executive branch, it must clearly require the executive to enforce the laws as written, without granting exceptions to the executive. Whenever the executive cannot enforce the laws, the borders should be closed tight.

Restore Trust, Accountability and Fiscal Responsibility: Our government is fundamentally broken, because our elected officials have forgotten why they are in congress. It is time to return America to a place of accountability and fiscal responsibility through controlled spending. Our national debt has become unbearable, and unfortunately, our children will be made to pay for the current reckless spending. We must save our children’s futures by returning to responsible spending and rebuilding the trust that has been lost.

Parents right to educate their children: Giving parents back the power to educate and raise their children. Our founders never intended that the education of our children was to be placed into the hands of the government. It is the parents job to ensure that their children are educated enough to pursue their American dream; if the parent wants to home-school, parochial school, traditional classroom school or apprenticeship, that is their job. The government, Federal and state should get out of the way.

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